Last month I attended a training programme in UK. The programme was filled with interesting workshops and presentations. As a result of the tight schedule, I did not have chance to get out for any small excursion, only stayed in the training facility which was booked by the organizers for five days.
The weather was bleak during the first three and half days. But we had some luck during the last one and half days. It was sunny and the sky turned out blue. So I did get several shots. Normally my preferred genre is street photography. But our training facility was located in a quite isolated Golf club, there was no street scenes for me to shoot. So, this time landscape and architectures only. Since the photos are pretty obvious, I won't write much as I did in my last photo blog
Stuttgart Month of Election.
All photos can be clicked to enlarge. Full resolution: 2048 px at long side.
First of all, some landscape and architecture.
UK 1 |