
Psychology, Philosophy and Practice for Advancing One's Photography

This entry is my book review for  Michael Freeman: The Photograher's Mind.

As all kinds of cameras becoming ubiquitous, sheer volume of pictures explode, there is more and more democracy in the appreciation of good photography. What makes a good photography? Is there really any standard nowadays? And, if yes, how to achieve the quality? Mr. Michael Freeman has tried to answer these questions in a series of books.

Revealing the Logic in China's History

The following is my book review for Ray Huang: 1587, A Year of No Significance. Originally written on January 3rd,  2007. Wording slightly revised. 
The history of China is long and it is very difficult to get a clear idea about the logic behind the countless events happened during the last several thousand years in China. I've read many books on China’s history, both Chinese ones and English ones. This book has been the most inspiring one among those I've read.

Systematic Approach to Solid Composition

The following is my book review for Michael Freeman: The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos. This review was originally written on February 14th, 2009. Wording slightly revised here.

To maximize the quality and visual impact of a photograph, solid composition is essential. The figure I uploaded, "composition triangle", illustrates my understanding to major aspects of a solid photo composition after reading Michael Freeman's book The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos. Three vertexes are tool, skill, and intent. To maximize the area of the composition triangle, all three vertexes need to be well positioned.

Carsharing in Germany

It's a great honour to have been invited as an author for the quality blog Asif Khan. This entry is an English translation of an entry that I wrote a while ago, about a niche of the car industry and my vision of its future.

Mr. Asif Khan was my classmate and teammate during our Finance course work at Stanford Venture Lab (now Stanford Online), 2012/2013. Asif was a great team player during the course and contributed with his knowledge, diligence and warm support to me (I was the team leader at that time). The performance of our team ranked 18th out of 800+ teams from all over the world. Thank you very much Asif, I'll always dearly recall the time when our team worked together, and I'm very glad that you offered me a chance to share my thoughts and vision at your highly active and quality blog!

 Here we go.

(More information about the finance professional Mr. Asif Kahn is available at his website)

Many are familiar with the car renting business. Car renting companies such as Sixt, Avis, Hertz are operating all around the world. In recent years, in Europe, especially Germany, a more flexible and efficient business model of car renting, namely carsharing, has emerged and flourished.