Sandra Nurmsalu is again in the Eesti Laul 2014, her song "Kui Tuuled Pöörduvad (When the Winds Turn)" is again made by Sven Lõhmus. This entry surprised me very much the first time when I heard it....It's not typical Nurmsalu....After listening it for several times, I understood Sven and Sandra. Yes they've picked a good strategy for the ESC 2014. Winning songs have been usually very approachable, Sven and Sandra are in it for a winner, so this "Kui Tuuled Pöörduvad" is highly approachable in many ways....More thoughts about this song I'll post later, but first thing first, it is obvious that with such a musically uncomplicated song, Sven and Sandra want all of us to sing along. Having comprehended this, today I wrote down the score of this song. Just to make things simpler, I omitted the prelude and interlude. My purpose is to help fans of Sven & Sandra singing. I am no professional musician and I am not very familiar with the Southern Europe style rhythm in this song, there may be a lot of mistakes in my note, any correction will be highly appreciated (please drop a message to
if you want me to correct, or simply post your own version. ).
Please do not be put down by the not so well-known Estonian language. The pronunciation sounds very regular and close to the German pronunciation. I find it much easier to sing along than French....okay, let me stop my "lange Rede kurzer Sinn", here we go: